Consultation and in-room fees
For detailed fee information please call our friendly receiption team. Please note we are not a bulk billing practice.
Billing for consultations and in-room investigations and procedures
We offer the option of your account being submitted to Medicare on your behalf by the way of our online claiming system. To claim this way, you need to provide Medicare Australia with your details of the bank account into which you would like your rebate paid.
You can register your bank details with Medicare Australia by calling 132011, in person at a Medicare office or through their online service.
Note: All consultation and in-room fees are payable at the time of consultation.
Surgical procedure, delivery and inpatient fees
Insured Patients
Our fees have been developed in accordance with the Australian Medical Association (AMA) and the Medical Benefits Scheme (MBS) as set out by the Australian Health Service Alliance (AHSA) and Medicare.
Our doctors are NO GAP Providers with the majority of health funds. A NO GAP Provider mean an agreement where the medical practitioner agrees to accept a payment by the insurer in full satisfaction of the amount owed so there is no gap or out of pocket expenses to be paid by the insured person. It is your responsibility to ensure you have full coverage for the surgical procedure you are set to undergo.
Uninsured Patients
If you do not have Private Health Insurance a quote can be supplied for you undergo private care. Payment for uninsured patients is required a minimum of 24 hours prior to the procedure.
Full payment is required a minimum of 24 hours prior to the procedure.
Payment Methods
We accept the following Payment Methods:
- Cash.
- Credit Card – including VISA and MasterCard
- Electronic funds transfer at point of sale (EFTPOS).
- Direct deposit via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) via:
KT Medical Specialists PTY LTD
BSB: 064 417
Account No: 1044 0725
Note: We do not accept Cheque or AMEX.